How long does cat fur take to grow back? – Kitty Cat Tips (2024)

Cats can look very strange without their signature fur. If your cat has lost their fur, you may be anxious for it to grow back. No matter the reason for your cat losing its hair, it should grow back in time.

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How long does cat hair take to grow back?

How long it takes your cat’s hair to grow back will depend on many factors. These include why they lost their hair, the length of the hair, and their overall health.

When to Cut Your Cat’s Hair

There are some situations where cutting your cat’s hair is necessary.


If they are going to undergo surgery, your vet will shave the hair around the surgical site before the procedure.


Matted fur can also be a problem. This is particularly common with long-haired cats. Similar to human hair, it can get very tangled. Dirt or food can get caught in the fur, making it nearly impossible to remove the knots. In this case, it’s often easier, and potentially more humane, to shave the hair.

Normally, a cat’s fur will not get this way if they are properly cared for. However, accidents do happen. If your cat gets into glue, for example, there’s no way to remove it without removing the hair. Fly strips are another hazard. Once they are stuck to the hair, they are hard to remove.

Feral or abandoned cats are more likely to have matted fur. They have no one to help them with grooming. While they are capable of grooming themselves, a feral cat may not have the energy or desire to do so. They may be focused on surviving.


Some cats benefit from having their hair cut as a part of regular grooming. This can prevent long hair from becoming problematic. Cats love to be clean. If you notice that your cat needs to work harder than normal on grooming, stepping in can be a good idea.


Some cats with allergies benefit from a hair cut. If they are allergic to environmental allergens, like dust, short hair prevents it from getting caught in their fur.

Function of Your Cat’s Coat

Your cat’s coat does more than make them adorable. It actually has several important functions. You probably know that their fur provides them with insulation in the winter. It helps keep them warm, just as a coat does for you.

However, it’s also beneficial in the summertime. In addition to trapping heat in the winter, it also helps keep your cat cool in the summer. It insulates your feline from the heat and damaging rays of the sun.

Your cat’s fur also protects its delicate skin from wind and rain. Surpisingly, it even has a nutritional benefit, helping your kitty to manufacture vitamin D.

Even hairless cats, like the Sphinx, are not completely hairless. Instead, they have very fine hairs.

When Will My Cat’s Hair Grow Back?

If your cat has short hair, their coat should grow back within 3 months. If their hair is longer, it can take 4-6 months for it to grow back to its former state.

How long it takes for it to grow back also depends on how short it was. If the hair is completely shaved, it will take longer to grow back. If it’s shortened to a few inches, it will grow back significantly faster.

Factors that affect growth

There are several factors that will affect how quickly your cat’s hair grows back. Age is one important factor. Just like humans, your cat’s hair growth will slow with age.

Diet and health are essential for hair growth. A poor diet can prevent hair from growing back, and affect the health of the coat. If they have health conditions, their body may not have the resources to devote to hair growth.

Breed also plays a role. Each breed has its own normal growth rate. If you are unsure if your cat’s hair is growing at a healthy rate, speak to your vet. They can let you know how fast your cat’s fur should grow based on their breed.

What to Expect as My Cat’s Hair Grows Back

It’s possible that your cat’s hair will look exactly the same once it grows back, but this isn’t always the case. Some cats fur will change as it grows back. This may include a change in the texture of the hair, or slight differences in color.

How can I make my cat’s hair grow back faster?

If you want your cat’s mane to be restored to it’s former glory, there are some steps you can take. These supportive actions can help your cat’s hair grow back faster. It’s important to note that it still takes time. These are not miracle cures. Instead, they support your cat’s natural growth.

E-collar or Surgical Suit

If your cat’s hair loss is due to scratching or biting, an e-collar can help. An e-collar prevents your cat from biting themselves, which can cause hair loss. Of course, most cats hate e-collars, and owners tend to see them as a last resort.

A surgical suit can be a more humane option. The suit protects your cat’s fur from scratching and biting, without restricting sight and movement as an e-collar does. They are designed to be lightweight and breathable, and most cats don’t mind wearing them.

Diet and Supplements

Cats are obligatory carnivores. This means that they must have nutrients from meat to survive. If their diet is low in protein, their hair will grow much slower, because protein is required for hair growth.

Quality is as important as quantity. Cats need high quality protein from animal sources. It should provide lysine and taurine, which your cat’s body can’t produce on its own.

Vitamins and minerals are also important. Zinc is necessary for hair growth, and low zinc levels can lead to hair loss. Vitamin deficiencies can cause poor coat quality, slow growth, and hair loss.

Omega 3s are one of the best supplements for your cat’s coat. It is a fatty acid derived from fish. It can improve heart and cardiovascular health, and reduce arthritis and inflammation.

Of course, it also improves the health of your cat’s coat. The fatty acid helps condition the hair, and it keeps the skin healthy as well. Omega 3’s even improve the health of the hair follicles themselves, which reduces shedding.

Oils and Creams

There’s a wide range of oils and creams that can help your cat’s hair grow back. Some focus on conditioning your cat’s hair and coat, while others treat allergies or parasitic conditions.Some essential oils, like lavender, can also improve coat quality.

Check for Allergies

It’s a good idea to check for allergies if your cat’s hair isn’t growing back properly. Allergies can cause your cat to scratch and bite, which results in hair loss. The inflammation caused by allergies also affects hair growth. If allergies are identified, treating them will aid hair growth.

Why Isn’t My Cat’s Hair Growing Back?

If your cat’s hair isn’t growing back, there are a few potential causes. You’ll need to work with your vet to determine the cause and the treatment plan. However, knowing the causes can help you know what to expect.


Allergies are one of the most common causes of hair loss in cats. This includes food sensitivities, environmental allergies, and flea allergies. Flea infestation can cause hair loss itself. However, when a cat is allergic to fleas, the irritation and itching are magnified.

Over Grooming

Vets say that overgrooming is the most common hair loss issue in cats. In this case, the problem isn’t lack of hair growth. Instead, the cat grooms so often that the hair is removed before it grows fully.

Overgrooming can be caused by physical issues, like allergies, or a psychological condition known as ocd.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances can also cause hair loss. Hyperthyroidism is a common culprit. Hyperthyroidism causes your cat’s metabolism to be too high. Weight loss and appetite changes are common symptoms. Other imbalances can cause an increase in the body’s steroid levels, which can damage the hair follicles.

Poor Diet or Deficiencies

A poor diet or nutritional deficiencies can also prevent your cat’s hair from growing back. Proper nutrition is essential for hair growth. Deficiencies in protein or fat are the most common causes.

Low quality proteins or a low fat diet can cause your cat’s hair to stop growing. The body prioritizes its functions. Hair growth is low on the list of functions, so it’s often the first area to show signs of nutritional deficiencies.

Bacterial or FungalInfection

Bacterial or fungal infections can cause hair loss. They also prevent the hair from growing back. Ringworm and staph infections are common culprits. Other signs include skin lesions, itching, and frequent licking.


Pain can also prevent your cat’s hair from growing. The pain itself isn’t related to hair growth. However, cats will lick the area when in pain.

Have you ever cut or smashed your finger, and put it into your mouth without thinking?It’s an instinctual reaction. Your cat has a similar reaction, licking the area to provide temporary relief.

When the area is licked frequently, your cat’s tongue actually removes the new hair growth. This makes it seem like the hair isn’t growing.

Stress or Anxiety

Stress or anxiety is another reason for hair loss or your cat’s hair not growing back. Just like pain, stress or anxiety can cause your cat to lick obsessively. Your cat may choose one or two areas to lick. These areas will lose their hair over time. If your cat keeps licking the area, the hair isn’t allowed to grow back.

Stress and anxiety can also lower immune function and slo

How long does cat fur take to grow back? – Kitty Cat Tips (2024)


How long does it take for kitten fur to grow back? ›

After about six months, your cat's hair should be fully regrown. If it hasn't gotten about halfway to its normal length, you will likely want to talk to your vet so you can check on the health of your cat, as stress and health issues can inhibit cat hair growth.

How long does it take for fur to grow back? ›

Depending on several factors, dog fur shaved to the skin will usually take 3 to 4 months to grow back after being fully shaved. This is usually about the length of a season. So if your dog is shaved at the beginning of spring, their coat should be back to normal by early summer.

How long does cat fur take to grow back after surgery? ›

The coat should grow back in 2-3 months. After the operation the small incision in the skin is sutured (stitched). These sutures are usually dissolvable ones buried under the skin (and so cannot be seen).

How long does cat fur grow? ›

Short-haired cats often have their full coat length back within 2 months. For long-haired cats, you can expect it to take up to 6 months for their coat to grow back in. Either way, you're likely to notice small amounts of growth in the coat within days or weeks of the initial haircut.

Will my kittens bald spot grow back? ›

Cats may develop bald patches or thinning hair as a result of a hereditary condition. While there may be no cure for this type of baldness in cats, the hair is likely to grow back quickly. There is no treatment for this but, usually the problem is sporadic and the hair will grow back within a few weeks.

How can I make my kitten's fur grow faster? ›

Brushing: some cats will need more brushing than others, but all will benefit from regular brushing to remove dead hair and promote new growth. Diet: a nutrient rich diet which has the correct amount of protein, vitamins and minerals to ensure healthy skin and fur is essential.

Why is my cat's fur not growing back after shaving? ›

If your cat has been clipped and the hair is failing to grow back, it may be due to a hormonal deficiency or imbalance. In order to diagnose this, blood samples are necessary to measure concentrations of various hormones.

How can I regrow my pet fur? ›

To best support your dog and healthy hair growth, feed a diet that's rich in animal protein. The amino acids and fatty acids present in animal protein play an important role in hair growth and can be extremely beneficial if you want to help you rest regrow his coat. Plus, look for a blend that's full of antioxidants.

Will cats hair grow back after fleas? ›

Fortunately, the problem is usually fairly easy to treat, and the hair will grow back as soon as the fleas or mites are gone. This condition is best treated with products such as 'spot-ons' to eliminate the external parasites.

What are the tips for cats after surgery? ›

After arriving home, you should keep your cat warm and comfortable by providing a soft, clean bed, ideally in a quiet and draft-free room at a comfortable room temperature (68-75°F or 20-24°C). Your cat should remain indoors. For most procedures, your cat's activity should be restricted for one week after surgery.

Do cats feel different after being shaved? ›

Your kitty may also be more aloof or grumpy than normal immediately following a mat removal grooming, but they should be back to their old selves within a few hours to a day.

Should I let my cat hide after surgery? ›

Keep in mind that cats may hide after surgery. It is a good idea to block access to all places where your cat could hide. This will allow you to more easily monitor the cat during recovery.

How long does kitten fur last? ›

In most breeds and types of cats, the “kitten coat” is shorter, softer and less glossy than the fur they will wear as an adult. Sometime between the age of 6 and 12 months, as the kitten reaches adolescence, he will begin to shed his baby fur and the lovely coat he will wear for his adult years develops.

How often do cats get new fur? ›

Cats shed every day, but will only go through large-scale sheds once or twice a year. Depending on breed and environment (among other factors), cats normally lose and regrow their millions of hairs on a routine basis.

What are the stages of cat hair growth? ›

In general, cats' and dogs' coats go through a yearly cycle of growth that includes four phases:
  • Anagen phase: New hair grows in.
  • Catagen phase: Hair reaches full length and stops growing.
  • Telogen phase: Hair is at rest, neither growing nor being shed.
  • Exogen phase: Hair is shed.
Sep 18, 2020

How do you get rid of bald spots on a kitten at home? ›

Regular Bathing. Using a cat shampoo with natural ingredients, regular bathing is a great at-home treatment for cat hair loss and can get rid of your cat's excess hair. This reduces shedding and will also keep them from over-grooming certain areas.

What to do if my kitten is losing hair? ›

Most of the time, it is nothing to be concerned about, but it is still recommended to take your feline friend to a vet for a general health checkup. Reasons your cat may be losing hair could be a poor diet, allergies, fleas and ticks, stress, or even hypothyroidism.

Can I put Neosporin on my cat? ›

It may be tempting to slather Neosporin on your cat when you see it has a wound. But this first-aid kit staple, otherwise called triple antibiotic ointment, isn't recommended for use on cats. Neosporin can cause skin irritation and allergic reactions in cats.

What food is good for cat fur? ›

So, how to make my cat's coat shiny? You can incorporate foods into your cat's diet that have high levels of Omega-3 and -6 nutrients, like cooked fish. Around 2 tbsp of cooked tuna or salmon once a week can prevent hair loss. Adding vegetable oil and flax seeds can help you keep a shiny cat shining.

What vitamins are good for cat hair growth? ›

VITAMIN B COMPLEX FOR CATS: B vitamins are needed to support a number of bodily functions, including those that govern hair growth for cats. Vitamin B complex provides a balanced portion of several B vitamins that work together.

What helps a kitten grow? ›

Feed high-quality kitten food: Often, kitten food is specially formulated with extra protein, vitamins and minerals that help kittens grow. Feeding your kitten adult food may not provide the nutrients needed to sustain healthy development and all that kitten energy!

Will my cats hair come back? ›

Bald spots on cats typically grow back after the underlying cause is addressed. For shorthaired cats, hair may grow back in a matter of weeks, but it may take several months for other cats.

Does cat hair grow back the same after shaving? ›

It's possible for your cat's fur to change color when it grows back after being shaved. Over time, your cat will normally revert back to their original color, but the initial regrowth could be a different color as suddenly your cat's body is a lot cooler, which affects the shade of the fur.

Do cats get itchy after being shaved? ›

Razor rash is the term used for the red, irritated, itchy skin that appears after your pet has been clipped. It is usually limited to a certain area, commonly the belly, anus, or face. This rash appears because your pet has sensitive skin and the clippers may irritate the skin in those areas.

What breaks down pet hair? ›

Add a half-cup of white vinegar to the machine's rinse cycle. Vinegar is a natural fabric softener that helps loosen pet hair. Clean your washer by running a wash cycle without laundry.

What picks up pet hair? ›

Lint rollers are a convenient and cheap solution to getting pet hair off your clothes, and they work really well thanks to the sticky sheets that pick up pet hair along with any other debris that is on the surface of a fabric.

How do you keep a pet's fur after death? ›

If possible, create a really safe place for your pet's fur to rest by moving it all to archival-types materials once you've collected it. I recommend acid-free and lignin-free tissue paper, plastic archival bags, and keepsake boxes to ensure you preserve your loved one's hair in its original form.

How can I help my cat's skin after fleas? ›

Are flea allergy dermatitis home remedies available? Bathing your cat in cool or lukewarm water or with mild oatmeal shampoo may help soothe the skin. If your cat's skin is ulcerated or has scratches, it is best not to bathe them.

Can cats still have fleas 2 weeks after treatment? ›

Seeing fleas after treatment isn't really about how long it takes for flea treatment to work or for fleas to die. It's about the number of life stages in the pet's environment that develop into new fleas and jump on a pet.

Should I cut my cats hair if she has fleas? ›

Alison Thomas, Head of Veterinary Services at Blue Cross, said: “Shaving a cat to get rid of fleas is very unlikely to be successful and there is a risk of causing trauma and even cuts to the skin when attempting this in the home setting.

How long do cat wounds take to heal? ›

Cat wounds should always be assessed by a veterinarian unless they are superficial and seem to be healing quickly. The average healing time for a superficial abrasion is 7 days, and you should see improvement daily.

Do cats purr after surgery? ›

Cats purr to heal themselves.

If your cat is recovering from surgery or injury, you may notice some purring that feels out of place. Those soothing vocalizations may be very comforting to your under-the-weather kitty, and they also may play a role in healing.

Can I take my cats cone off after 7 days? ›

The cone should stay on until the site is fully healed, and/or the sutures are removed. Most sutures and staples are left in for 10-14 days. Other lesions may take less or more time than that to heal completely.

Can cats feel when you touch their fur? ›

Hair is without sensation, but nerve endings at the base of the hair follicles enable a cat to feel when it is being stroked or touched. Nerve endings around the base of each whisker give cats information about their surroundings.

Do cats feel better after being groomed? ›

After the Lion Shave, a cat can immediately feel more comfortable and clean. He/she can go home feeling happier and often becomes more affectionate. Let your veterinarian guide you, because some cats may not be the best candidates for a Lion Shave and will become stressed or aggressive.

Can cats feel their fur being cut? ›

Having a haircut or a trim can leave them feeling a little invaded, especially if they don't take kindly to the grooming process and/or find it traumatic. The severest form of a haircut to give a cat is to shave their fur. This can lead to feelings of intense vulnerability and even subsequent health problems.

Can I leave my cat alone 3 days after surgery? ›

Don't leave your cat alone during her first 12-24 hours post-surgery. This stretch of time is when your pet needs to closest monitoring for excessive bleeding or issues with urination. If, after the allotted time, your cat seems to be able to urinate without trouble, you can keep an eye on her as you go about your day.

How often do cats poop after surgery? ›

o Many cats will not have a bowel movement for the first 3-4 days after surgery. o Reasons that a cat will not have a regular bowel movement after surgery include: - Your cat has been fasted prior to surgery. - Your cat may not have eaten well during their hospital stay or the first few days home.

Do cats cry after surgery? ›

Extreme behavior may be a sign that your cat is in a lot of pain post-surgery: This includes anything from hyper-aggression and continuous meowing to hiding and withdrawal. Contact your veterinarian if your cat displays any of these behaviors.

What determines a kitten's color? ›

Spots, stripes and blotches: Color patterns of cat fur tracked to a key gene. Researchers discovered some of the genetics behind cat coloring, from Abyssinians and tabbies to leopards and tigers. Color patterns in cats are determined in part by a gene called DKK4.

How can you tell how fluffy a kitten will be? ›

Short-haired kittens have smoother, sleeker tails, while medium and long-haired kittens tends to have fuller, fluffier-looking tails. Ear tufts. Kittens destined to have longer fur will generally have tufts of fur sticking out from the fronts of their ears, while short-haired cats have little to none.

What does healthy kitten fur look like? ›

A healthy coat should be shiny and smooth, not coarse or brittle, and healthy skin should be supple and clear, not greasy, flaky, or bumpy.

How long does it take for cat fur to come back? ›

After about six months, your cat's hair should be fully regrown. If it hasn't gotten about halfway to its normal length, you will likely want to talk to your vet so you can check on the health of your cat, as stress and health issues can inhibit cat hair growth.

How often should I bathe my cat? ›

In general, cats should be given a bath once every 4-6 weeks, depending on how often they groom themselves, and the environment they're usually in. If your cat is more outdoorsy and soils itself while playing, it's a good idea to help with the grooming process as they alone won't be able to properly get cleaned.

Does bathing a cat help with shedding? ›

Bathing a cat can also help to reduce shedding, which is great news if you're the owner of a long-haired feline. Showering rinses away dead hair but you can always achieve a similar result with brushing alone.

Why is my cat's hair not growing back? ›

If your cat has been clipped and the hair is failing to grow back, it may be due to a hormonal deficiency or imbalance. In order to diagnose this, blood samples are necessary to measure concentrations of various hormones.

What are the three stages of hair growth? ›

The growth of the hair follicle is cyclical. Stages of rapid growth and elongation of the hair shaft alternate with periods of quiescence and regression driven by apoptotic signals. This cycle can be divided into three phases: anagen (growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (rest).

At what age do kittens lose their baby fur? ›

Sometime between the age of 6 and 12 months, as the kitten reaches adolescence, he will begin to shed his baby fur and the lovely coat he will wear for his adult years develops. Before this time, cat owners will have noticed very little shedding.

At what age do cats lose their kitten fur? ›

You'd be right - kittens don't shed much fur until they start to move in adulthood, at around 6 to 12 months. At this age, their kitten coat, which is normally a bit shorter and fluffier than their adult one, starts to fall away so the adult one can grow in.

How do you tell if a kitten will grow up fluffy? ›

Nevertheless, there are some subtle clues you can watch for that indicate how long your kitten's fur will grow:
  1. Hair sticking out between the toes. Long-haired kittens typically have tufts of hair growing out around their paw pads.
  2. Tail fluffiness. ...
  3. Ear tufts.

Does shaving a cat ruin it's fur? ›

Shaving is dangerous because the cat's skin is so thin from age and/or health issues. The risk of nicking or cutting the cat is very high. Shaving the pelt off requires using a clipper blade very close to the cat's skin, and sometimes the ability to see what is underneath is inhibited by the pelt.

What age do kittens leave? ›

It's important to separate the kittens from the queen when they're ready. Don't separate them before they reach eight weeks of age, as they will still be learning from their mum.

Why is my kitten missing fur? ›

What causes hair loss in cats? Feline fur loss may have fungal and parasitic causes, such as ringworm, mites or flea allergies. Food allergies are another possibility, as are metabolic conditions such as hyperthyroidism, the term for over-production of thyroid hormones.

Why is my newborn kitten bald? ›

Congenital alopecia occurs most often in newborn kittens or young cats, and it does not cause them to be itchy. This is usually related to your cat's breed or genetics. Acquired alopecia occurs in cats that are born with normal hair coats and lose hair because of an underlying systemic illness or skin disease.

Do fluffy kittens become fluffy cats? ›

Many young kittens look fluffy whether short or longhaired and kittens should be at least eight weeks before you can see the signs of long hair. Pay special attention to the kitten's tail.

What age do kittens look like cats? ›

While their growth may slow down after 6 months, the development and growth phase will usually continue until the cat is roughly one year old, which is why many veterinarians treat the 12-month point as the age when a kitten becomes an adult.

Do kittens fur change color as they age? ›

Although not common, a cat's coat can indeed change color throughout its life. Most kittens are born with the coat markings they have as an adult cat. Some breeds are an exception to this.

What does an unhealthy kitten look like? ›

Mouth– teeth should be white with no excess tartar, with pale pink or black gums. Dropping food, excess salivation, clawing at the mouth or bad breath are all signs of dental problems. Skin and coat– skin can be pink or black, depending on the pigments normally found in your kitten's skin.

What does an underfed kitten look like? ›

Signs that your cat is too thin or underweight include: being able to see their ribs (this will be clearer if you have a short-hair cat) their waist being very obvious behind their ribs if you look down at their back. their belly tucks up very clearly behind their ribs if you look at them from the side.

How can you tell how big a kitten will get? ›

You can estimate your cat's adult weight by weighing them when they're 16 weeks old and doubling that number. You can expect that figure will be right around your cat's adult weight. It's not exact, but it's a good estimate.

Is it cruel to bathe cats? ›

Beyond cats' ability to clean themselves, Diesel usually recommends not bathing cats because of the damages it can cause to a cat-owner relationship. “The act of bathing cats can cause behavioral trauma, which may affect the human-animal bond if this is not something the cat is used to,” she said.

Why is my cat's fur not growing back? ›

If your cat has been clipped and the hair is failing to grow back, it may be due to a hormonal deficiency or imbalance. In order to diagnose this, blood samples are necessary to measure concentrations of various hormones.

Why do cats not need haircuts? ›

Does your cat need a summer haircut? The answer is generally “no.” Cats' fur naturally helps to regulate their body temperature, keeping them warm in winter and cool in summer. A cat is typically well-off without the summer cut.


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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.