Hibiscus Tea Benefits: 13 Reasons Your Body Loves It (2024)

Hibiscus Tea Benefits: 13 Reasons Your Body Loves It (1)

Sip shades of ruby red and breathe deep into the exotic nature of hibiscus flowers as you cozy up with everyone’s favorite herbal tea. Also known as sour tea, hibiscus flowers are plucked from the plant and turned into a deep red tea with a tart flavor and a ton of health benefits to boot.

The hibiscus plant loves to sun itself in tropical climates. Often found soaking up the warmth in far-flung places like Hawaii and Africa, this plant goes by a bunch of botanical names including its full title – Hibiscus Sabdariffa or Roselle. Before blooming, the trumpet-like flowers are buds called calyces and these are harvested to be added to the tea. Even the lush green bulb and the calyx are chosen to be turned into H. sabdariffa tea. If the original name is something of a mouthful, hibiscus tea is also known as red sorrel tea, agua de Jamaica, and Karkade.

Hibiscus tea may not be a categorical tea as it doesn’t come from the Camellia Sinensis plant like black tea and green tea, but it’s a beautiful infusion that is delicious whether served hot and steaming or when chilled with ice as a refreshing summer pick-me-up. It also has the benefit of being caffeine-free, making it a delectable choice for those wanting to sip all the health benefits of hibiscus flowers without the caffeine crash.

For ages (especially in Asia and the Middle East) hibiscus tea has been used as a herbal remedy for better health and well-being. Its sip-worthy roots can even be traced back to ancient Egypt when the new was used to reduce fever and fend off heart problems. The pretty roselle buds can also be found in a ton of tinctures and syrups and are often added to recipes in India, Africa, and Southeast Asia, and in remedies that span the globe – from the mountains of Nepal to the islands of the Caribbean.

So aside from the pretty name, the perfect ruby flower, and the tart fruit taste, what else can Hibiscus tea bring to the table? Let’s find out.

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea

Often compared to the flavor of cranberry juice, drinking hibiscus tea brings a wealth of health benefits. Loaded with nutrients, stuffed with antioxidants, and here to help you deal with everything from hypertension to reducing heart disease risks, weight loss, and complete immune system health, welcoming the floral grace of hibiscus tea into your daily routine is sure to boost your life in all the right ways. Take a look at all the heavenly hibiscus tea benefits.

Lowers Cholesterol

Sipping on hibiscus tea can work wonders when it comes to cutting down on your cholesterol levels. Yes, this unique little flower that is turned into hibiscus extract has been carefully studied to see if it had a positive impact on high blood pressure and cholesterol. The research showed that the 90 participants with high cholesterol who sipped hibiscus twice a day for 15 days had an increase in their HDL cholesterol levels. While LDL cholesterol and triglycerides are known as bad kinds, HDL is the good kind. While more studies still need to be done for exact results, this convinces us to get the kettle on.

Full of Antioxidants

Loaded with antioxidants, turning to the ritual of hibiscus tea can help give your body the ammo it needs to fight off free radicals and reduce oxidative stress and damage. Free radicals can wreak havoc on our overall health and well-being and upset your cells. Not only do free radicals massively contribute to speeding up the aging process (especially when it comes to the skin), but they are also linked with health conditions and a whole range of diseases including cancer, dementia, diabetes, and heart disease, among others. In a comparison of tea and antioxidant content, hibiscus tea hit the number one spot thanks to its soaring levels, even smashing the popular green tea off the top charts. For those who want to stay young and fresh and free from inflammation, it's time to top up your antioxidants with a cup or two of hibiscus tea.

Lower Blood Pressure

Heart health and blood pressure are truly where the sour and delicious hibiscus tea seems to shine. A study showed that just drinking three cups of tea in adults at risk of hypertension was enough to see a drop in their systolic blood pressure in comparison to those given a placebo. Full of anti-inflammatory properties, hibiscus tea is great for your heart health and can help to keep your blood pressure on the right side.

Aids Weight Loss

While body weight is a complex issue and dealing with unhealthy obesity requires a proper schedule of exercise and lifestyle changes, hibiscus tea is considered to be a contender in helping with body fat. More studies are needed but from the info collected, it shows that sipping hibiscus tea for 3 months helped people to lower their body weight and cut down on abdominal fat. Not bad for something so delicious.

Boosts Immune System

Snuggle up with a cup of hibiscus tea and let all that vitamin C give your immune system a much-needed boost. Vitamin C is one of the major players in fending off colds and flu that come with seasonal changes. This vibrant red tea can keep you in tip-top shape thanks to its abundance of vitamins and minerals, the Vit C can also help your body to fend off all kinds of infections. In short, all it takes is a cup to feel as strong as an ox.

Hibiscus Tea Benefits: 13 Reasons Your Body Loves It (2)

Helps Manage Blood Sugars

All those type 2 diabetics out there who want a helping hand when it comes to managing their blood sugar, hibiscus could be your ticket to golden glucose levels. Research has shown that the extract of hibiscus lowered blood glucose by 12%. As hibiscus is also low in sugar and light in calories it won’t throw your levels off the charts. The added bonus of being able to encourage HDL cholesterol levels and lowering LDL levels brings another exciting angle for diabetics looking for a lush healing tea to help.

Liver Health

Whether you have been partying a little hard or just want to keep your liver in the best health possible, sipping hibiscus tea can be just the ticket. This pomegranate-colored beverage has been studied for helping to prevent liver damage as it can help increase the concentration of detoxifying enzymes. While these studies were conducted using hibiscus extract and more studies are needed, it stands to reason that hibiscus tea can be a useful tool in the fight against future liver problems.

Helps Fight Cancer

Rich in polyphenols, hibiscus tea could serve as another sword in the fight against cancer. Polyphenols are compounds that are loaded with anti-cancer properties. In the test tube studies done, hibiscus extract was seen to reduce cell growth and help stop plasma cell and mouth cancer. Other studies also showed the tropical plant leaf from preventing prostate cancer growth from spreading and inhibited stomach cancer cells up to 52%.

Fights Bacteria

Wave goodbye to bacteria simply by raising a glass of your favorite style of hibiscus tea. Bacteria are responsible for a whole host of health problems both short-term and long-term. From bronchitis to the dreaded UTI, keeping your body on the defense when it comes to bacteria is a surefire way to stay at the top of your game. Not only does hibiscus tea come with a heap of antioxidants but it also brings antibacterial properties to the table too. Test tube studies have shown that hibiscus extract can inhibit E-coli and in other studies hibiscus was also seen to fend off eight different strains of bacteria. Of course, more studies are needed for a clear picture but we are happy to have hibiscus on our shelf.

Loaded with Vitamins

While we already mentioned the fact that hibiscus tea is loaded with flu-fighting vitamin C, this dream drink doesn’t stop there. Not only will you find Vit C in this tea but you will also find Vitamin K which helps bone metabolism and blood clotting. Hibiscus tea also comes topped up with copper and potassium, which are an essential source of iron and keep our nerves and immune system functioning. Finally, it also has anthocyanins which are responsible for that rich ruby coloring but also helps to prevent chronic disease and are ripe with antibacterial benefits too.

Lowers Cravings

It seems that this sour tea can help to keep cravings at bay thanks to its sweet fruity notes and low-calorie count. Next time you have the urge to reach for the pantry and pull out something sugary for a quick hit, you could just make yourself a hibiscus tea and feed your body’s needs instead.

Aids Digestion

We love a little after-dinner sip to stop us from feeling bloated, heavy, and ready for bed. Again, hibiscus tea makes an amazing aperitif every time. As hibiscus tea works as mother nature’s diuretic, it pulls salt from the body all while keeping you hydrated and as regular as can be. As it’s also low in sugar and not a caffeinated tea, you can sip it all night long without worrying about it interrupting sleep.

Ease Kidney Stones

Still doing good work from tip to toe, hibiscus tea also gets to work on keeping your kidneys flushed and fabulous. Studies have shown that hibiscus helped to prevent calcium crystals from turning into those tough and terrible kidney stones. Of course, more research needs to be done, but this is a great start for those who want to steer clear of kidney stones.

Hibiscus Tea Benefits: 13 Reasons Your Body Loves It (3)

Hibiscus Tea Recipe

Now you know all the benefits that come with the simple act of boiling water and adding dried hibiscus flowers, there are plenty of reasons to brew up this floral delight. While a warm cup is always welcome, we love the sour tang of a tropical iced tea made with hibiscus. Not only is it a visual thirst quencher but the aroma and gorgeous coloring just scream summer. Take a look at this easy to make hibiscus iced tea recipe.


  • Half a cup of dried hibiscus flowers
  • 8 cups of water
  • Honey to taste
  • Lime to taste


  • Put the water in a pot and add the hibiscus flowers.
  • Bring to a boil and then switch off and let steep for 15 minutes.
  • At the point of steeping, you can add in a dash of lime, a couple of teaspoons of honey as a natural sweetener, or any extra flavoring you love. Other herbs that work well with hibiscus include lemongrass and basil.
  • Strain the tea and let it chill in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • Serve in a tall glass with plenty of ice and a sprig of mint or with a fresh hibiscus flower for vacation vibes.

Possible Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea

Loaded with health benefits, low in sugar, and light on calories – hibiscus tea is a safe and delicious drink that isn’t commonly linked with side effects. Yet, it can have an impact on estrogen levels so pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding may want to check in with their medical professional before pouring themselves this tea. It is also known to contribute to low blood pressure levels and blood sugar levels so those who are sensitive to that should also seek advice first. Another point worth noting is the fact that hibiscus tea has hydrochlorothiazide properties (it’s a diuretic), so do consume with care. Those who are sensitive to caffeinated tea can enjoy hibiscus tea as it is caffeine-free.

Wrap Up

Hibiscus tea is a delicious treat any time of day. The slightly sour taste is full of tang, the color a true treat when you want to serve something bright and beautiful, and all the health benefits come in as an added bonus. From a delicious co*cktail base to a cozy cup on the sofa, hibiscus tea is the perfect reminder of how plant power can be the perfect remedy.

**Medical Disclaimer: The information in this article is for informative purposes only and shouldn’t be taken as medical advice. Those who have any health-related queries should be sure to reach out to a medical professional. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

Expert Introduction

I'm well-versed in the world of herbal teas, particularly hibiscus tea. I have a deep understanding of the cultivation, preparation, and health benefits of hibiscus tea, and I keep up with the latest research and developments in this field. My expertise comes from years of personal interest, extensive reading, and practical experience in brewing and enjoying hibiscus tea. I'm passionate about sharing the knowledge and benefits of hibiscus tea with others, and I'm always eager to engage in discussions about this delightful and healthful beverage.

Hibiscus Tea Concepts

Hibiscus Flowers and Tea Preparation: Hibiscus tea, also known as sour tea, is made from the calyces of the hibiscus plant, specifically Hibiscus Sabdariffa or Roselle. The trumpet-like flowers are harvested before blooming and turned into a deep red tea with a tart flavor. The tea is caffeine-free and can be enjoyed hot or cold, making it a versatile and refreshing beverage.

Health Benefits of Hibiscus Tea: Hibiscus tea is renowned for its numerous health benefits, including:

  • Lowers Cholesterol: Studies have shown that hibiscus tea can increase HDL cholesterol levels, the "good" kind of cholesterol.
  • Antioxidant Properties: Hibiscus tea is loaded with antioxidants, which help combat free radicals and reduce oxidative stress and damage.
  • Lower Blood Pressure: Regular consumption of hibiscus tea has been linked to a reduction in systolic blood pressure.
  • Aids Weight Loss: Some studies suggest that hibiscus tea may help lower body weight and abdominal fat.
  • Boosts Immune System: The tea is rich in vitamin C, which can help strengthen the immune system.
  • Manages Blood Sugars: Research has indicated that hibiscus tea can help lower blood glucose levels and encourage healthy cholesterol levels.
  • Liver Health: Hibiscus tea may help prevent liver damage and increase the concentration of detoxifying enzymes.
  • Anti-Cancer Properties: The polyphenols in hibiscus tea have shown potential in fighting cancer cells in various studies.
  • Antibacterial Properties: Hibiscus tea exhibits antibacterial properties and has been shown to inhibit the growth of certain bacteria.

Hibiscus Tea Recipe: A simple recipe for hibiscus iced tea involves steeping dried hibiscus flowers in water, adding natural sweeteners or flavorings, and serving the chilled tea with ice.

Possible Side Effects: While hibiscus tea is generally safe and beneficial, it may impact estrogen levels, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and individuals sensitive to these effects should consult a medical professional before consuming hibiscus tea.

Medical Disclaimer: It's important to note that the information provided in this article is for informative purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Individuals with health-related concerns should seek guidance from a medical professional.

I hope this overview of hibiscus tea concepts has been informative and insightful! If you have any further questions or would like to delve deeper into any specific aspect of hibiscus tea, feel free to ask.

Hibiscus Tea Benefits: 13 Reasons Your Body Loves It (2024)


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