How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? (2024)

If you or your loved one have been involved in a car accident, you probably have many questions about the legal process. If you want to file a personal injury lawsuit, one of the most important questions is: how long until the lawsuit is resolved?

Unfortunately, there’s no set answer, as it depends on the unique circ*mstances of your case. Here at Schmidt & Clark, we’ve handled thousands of car accident lawsuits. Today, we’ll talk about what you can expect in a car accident case.

Summary of the Key Findings

  • A car accident lawsuit can take from a few months to a few years.
  • How long a lawsuit will take depends on several factors, including your choice of lawyer and when you have received the treatment, among other things.
  • A settlement compensation can also take up to a few years.

Car Accident Lawsuit Process

The process of filing a car accident claim includes the following steps:

1. Hire a Lawyer

How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? (1)The first thing you should do after being involved in a car incident is to seek medical treatment.

The injuries you may sustain in vehicular accidents can be severe, and getting the needed medical attention is crucial.

Once you’re feeling well enough, the next step should be to look for a car accident lawyer.

While not all accidents require a lawyer, most of them do. It is essential to find an experienced car accident lawyer, especially if your case is complicated or you were seriously injured.

When trying to find the right lawyer to represent you, check if they offer a free consultation and free case evaluation.

A lawyer will ask for details of the accident, your injuries, and the treatment you received. Then, they will do the investigation in your name and gather evidence. Depending on how complex the case is, this can take several weeks.

A lawyer will handle various aspects of your case, such as dealing with insurance companies and similar, so you can focus on recovering.

Also read:

  • What to Do if You're a Passenger in a Car Accident?
  • What is the Average Settlement for Car Accident Neck Injuries?
  • What Is the Coverage Personal Injury Protection (PIP)?
  • What to Expect after a Deposition?

2. Negotiation

How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? (2)You’ll have to wait until you’ve reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MIM).

MIM means you are done with all the medical treatments, and the doctors say you’ve recovered as much as possible.

Until this happens, your lawyer won’t know how much the car accident claim is worth. Once you’ve reached MIM, it’s time to negotiate.

Your personal injury lawyer will gather all the medical records and medical bills and demand payment from the at-fault party or the insurance company.

Negotiating and reaching a settlement may be a better option in certain situations. Some personal injury cases that go to court may take years to resolve.

3. File a Car Accident Lawsuit

If the negotiations out of court aren’t successful, the next step is to file a lawsuit. Personal injury claims that go to court are different in each state.

However, in most cases, it takes one or two years for the lawsuit to get to trial.

4. Discovery Process

The discovery phase starts after the car accident lawsuit is filed. Each party investigates what the other party claims and what the actual facts are. Both parties exchange documents, and witness depositions take place.

This phase can last for half a year to a year, depending on how complex the case is.

5. Mediation and Negotiation

Once the discovery process is complete, your personal injury attorney can negotiate again and try to get a fair settlement. Sometimes the lawyers can settle the case on their own, and sometimes they have to go to mediation — when a case is settled with the help of a neutral third person.

In general, this is the last chance to settle and reach an agreement before the personal injury case goes to trial.

6. Trial

How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? (3)The last step of the process is trial. Most car accident cases are settled out of court, either during negotiations or with mediation.

However, if the parties don’t come to an agreement, the case goes to trial.

During the trial, your lawyer will give evidence to the court and a jury in order to prove the other party is responsible for your injuries, and you're entitled to compensation.

A trial can last from one day to several months, depending on the complexity of your case.

The trial is resolved by a jury deciding who’s at fault and what the rightful amount of compensation for the sustained injuries is.

Settlement vs Lawsuit

A settlement is an agreement between the injury victims and the at-fault party that happens outside of the courtroom. A settlement can happen anytime before or during the trial. Most injury claims in the US are settled.

A lawsuit happens when the other party, or the insurance company, contests the injured person’s claim or offers a settlement that the injured person deems too low. When a lawsuit is filed, it goes into a trial process. Each side presents their case in front of a judge and jury who decide who’s the liable party and how much they have to pay.

A settlement usually takes less time than a lawsuit. However, this depends on several factors. How long it takes to settle depends on the accident’s complexity. If you have fully recovered quickly after the accident, you can get a settlement in weeks. However, the average time to settle for a complicated claim is three years.

Factors That Affect Car Accident Settlement

How long a vehicular accident takes to settle depends on the following factors:

Determining Liability

How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? (4)The first step before the case settlement is determining who’s at fault.

Did you cause the accident, or were you injured because of someone else’s negligence?

If the fault is shared, this can further complicate the process, especially in states that use comparative negligence [1].

If both car accident victims share the blame, the average time it takes to settle the case will be longer compared to when one person is to blame.

If the liability is clear, the case will settle sooner.

Related Article:

  • How Long Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Take?
  • Who Can Be at Fault for a T-Bone Accident?
  • What Happens if You Lose a Car Accident Lawsuit?

Establishing How Much the Case is Worth

The general rule applies: the more your case is worth, the longer it’ll take to settle. The insurance companies try to limit the payout. For an insurance company, it pays off to invest time and money in legal defense rather than pay out a high-value claim.

Recovery Time

Victims of car accidents with severe injuries or injuries requiring long-term future medical care will take longer to settle compared to cases in which the victim makes a full recovery.

As mentioned above, you should reach MIM before settling a claim to make sure you’re fully compensated for your medical bills. Also, you’ll need some time to determine the compensation for lost income and possible further treatment. All of these affect how long you’ll have to wait for the settlement check.

Insurance Company

How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? (5)Insurance companies will do their own investigation. They want to find any information they can hold against you to devalue your claim or delay paying out the settlement.

“Over the past two years, both the accident rate and the size of insurance claims have climbed dramatically.” Insurance Information Institute

How long the settlement process will take also depends on the size of the insurance company and its policy. Some insurance companies will settle quickly, while others take a long time to reach the settlement.

Your lawyer will advise you on whether you should accept the initial offer or demand a higher amount of settlement.


How Long Does It Take To Get Paid After a Car Accident Settlement?

How long it takes to get paid after a car accident settlement depends on many factors. However, in general, you should receive a check within four to six weeks after reaching a settlement.

Hire a Trustworthy Lawyer

Personal injury cases may be very complicated, and if you sustain injuries in a car incident, it is essential to hire a law firm with years of experience you can trust.

At Schmidt & Clark, we value every attorney-client relationship equally, and we strive to achieve the best possible outcome of the case. We have years of experience in dealing with car accidents and insurance adjusters.

Contact us today if you need legal advice or want to schedule a free consultation.



How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? (2024)


How Long Does It Take To Get Car Accident Settlement? ›

In some cases, a settlement may be reached relatively quickly, within a matter of weeks or a few months. However, in more complex cases where there are disputes over liability, damages, or insurance coverage, it can take several months or even years to reach a fair settlement.

How much are most car accident settlements? ›

Recent U.S. data show that a large number of car accident cases settle for between $14,000 and $28,000 with the average amount around $21,000. However, these numbers may not mean anything for your specific case.

How long does it take for a claim to be paid? ›

After your claim has settled you should receive your compensation between 14 – 21 days. This depends on if your claim was settled in or out of court.

How long does it take for insurance to make an offer? ›

Typically, it can take anywhere from one to two weeks for the insurance company to respond to your demand letter. Then it can take anywhere from weeks to months until you reach a settlement that you will accept. Some people accept the first or second offer, while others may accept the third or fourth counteroffer.

What is the average settlement for a car accident in Georgia? ›

Generally, one could expect minor collisions with minimal property damage and minor injuries to result in settlements between $2,500 and $25,000. For Accidents resulting in severe injuries, the range sits at anywhere between $50,000 and $200,000, or possibly more.

What is the most money awarded in a lawsuit? ›

1998 – The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement - $206 Billion. The Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement was entered in November 1998 and is still the largest lawsuit settlement in history.

How are personal injury claims calculated? ›

The amount of Personal Injury Compensation you can receive is calculated by adding together two types of compensation: general damages and special damages. Awarded to compensate you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity associated with your injury.

How long does whiplash claim take? ›

Most whiplash claims are settled within a 6 month period, however this is dependent upon a number of different factors including: Liability being accepted by the third party insurers. The medical prognosis and expected recovery time. The extent of the whiplash injury.

How are claims paid out? ›

Car insurance companies pay out claims by sending you a check, transferring the payment to your bank account, or paying the mechanic directly. Once your claim has been approved, you'll receive payment for the amount determined by your insurer.

How long does a claim from the bank take? ›

However, most banks give their customers 120 days to dispute a fraudulent charge and have more generous liability policies than the law requires. Once notified, the bank has 10 business days to investigate the claim and reach a decision.

How long does it take for an adjuster to make a decision? ›

Usually, you'll hear from an insurance adjuster within three days of making the claim to discuss matters. If they need to survey the damage, it can be a few more days. If you use a repair garage that is affiliated with (or at least approved by) your insurance company, the process can speed up a bit.

How do insurance companies pay out claims? ›

Once the insurance company sends an adjuster and evaluates the damage to your home, they'll pay a settlement amount in either replacement cost or actual cash value. Replacement cost gives you funds to cover the costs to rebuild your home or repair damages using similar materials.

How do you respond to a low settlement offer? ›

How to Respond
  1. Stay Calm. Your first reaction to a low settlement might be anger and confusion. ...
  2. Ask Questions. After you receive the offer and take time to process it emotionally, you should start considering why the offer was so low. ...
  3. Counteroffer. ...
  4. Always Respond in Writing. ...
  5. Don't Accept a Settlement Offer Before You Heal.
Apr 13, 2022

How much is a personal injury settlement worth? ›

The settlement value of a variable payout contract is the amount of contract value remaining, based on whether it was bought or sold. The difference between the price at which the contract was bought or sold, and the settlement value, determines the profit or loss (excluding any applicable exchange fees).

How much is a settlement for a car accident back and neck injury in Georgia? ›

Whiplash or other minor soft-tissue injury — $2,500 to $20,000. Mild to moderate concussion — $20,000 to $30,000. Bone/rib fracture — $15,000 to $100,000. Moderate neck or back injury — $30,000 to $100,000.

How is pain and suffering calculated in Georgia? ›

As Georgia doesn't put a monetary cap on pain and suffering damages, the “multiplier method” is a common technique to calculating the cost for pain and suffering. With this mathematical approach, the cost of one's medical bills is calculated and then multiplied by a value between 1 and 5.

What are the 3 types of damages? ›

There are 3 types of damages in personal injury claims: economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages.

How long does it take to negotiate a settlement? ›

The average settlement negotiation takes one to three months once all relevant variables are presented. However, some settlements can take much longer to resolve. By partnering with skilled legal counsel, you can speed up the negotiation process and secure compensation faster.

What is the usual result of a settlement? ›

The result of a settlement agreement involves the responsible party paying a certain amount to compensate for the damages caused to the victim.

How much compensation for anxiety after car accident? ›

There is no set compensation payout that's awarded for a personal injury, including anxiety. Instead, compensation is calculated based on the type of injury and how severe it is, and the impact on the claimant's life. Also taken into account is if the injury has cost you financially.

What is compensation for pain and suffering? ›

Pain and suffering compensation will include compensating you for having to go through the physical and/or emotional pain and suffering that you otherwise would never have gone through if the injury or accident never occurred. Some of these pains and suffering may be for a short time, while others may be permanent.

How long do most personal injury claims take? ›

Filing a Lawsuit: Once a lawsuit is filed, the defendant will typically be served within 30 to 60 days, and will have 30-45 days to file a response. In other words, it takes an average of three months from the date you file your personal injury lawsuit to get the initial response from the insurer.

Is it worth claiming for whiplash? ›

Whiplash injury claims are only recommended if the accident that caused the injury wasn't your fault. In this instance, you'll be raising a claim with the other party's insurance provider, rather than your own.

Should I accept first whiplash offer? ›

The answer to this question is almost always a resounding “No – Don't do it!” It is true to say that in certain rare situations a first compensation offer could be something to seriously consider. As a general rule it's never a good idea to accept a first compensation offer for a personal injury claim.

How bad does whiplash have to be to claim? ›

If you think you have whiplash or related injuries after being in a car accident, even if your symptoms are mild, the law says you are entitled to financial compensation because of the pain and suffering you have experienced.

Do insurance companies pay directly? ›

Depending on the nature of your claim, you may receive a check directly, or the insurance company may pay vendors on your behalf. The total amount you receive will be based on the amount of coverage in your policy and the specific details of your claim.

How does an insurance company approve a claim? ›

An insurance claim is a request filed by a policyholder to a provider asking for compensation for a covered loss. The insurance company will then review the claim, and they can approve it and issue an eventual payout after investigating it, or they deny the claim.

How do insurance companies send checks? ›

The Insurance company sends you a check or transfers the payment to your bank account. They may also send the settlement check directly to the repair body shop. To get the money as soon as possible, notify your insurance company about the accident as soon as you can.

Why does bank settlement take so long? ›

It's always been the case that a settlement must go through a number of checks and balances before the process is complete, which is why there has traditionally been a delay of a few business days between a customer paying for your product or service and that payment landing in your account.

What happens if a bank sends you money by accident? ›

If it was paid by mistake, you cannot keep it. If you refuse to return it, or if you spend it, you may face a criminal charge. If you notice an unexplained payment in your account, you should contact the bank immediately to investigate it and have it reversed.

How do banks investigate claims? ›

A professional employee from the bank's investigation department evaluates the cardholder's claim. Information on the transaction is collected by the bank's investigator. Visa has their resolve online process that makes this as easy as possible. MasterCard uses similar techniques to retrieve data automatically.

Which insurance company denies the most claims? ›

  1. ALLSTATE. Allstate CEO Thomas Wilson admits that his priority is the shareholders—not the insured parties who have claims. ...
  4. STATE FARM. ...
  5. ANTHEM. ...
  6. UNUM. ...

What makes a successful claims adjuster? ›

Attention to detail: A good claims adjuster should be detail-oriented, to accurately assess and document the damage or loss. Communication skills: Good communication skills are necessary to explain complex insurance policies and procedures to policyholders, as well as negotiate settlements.

How do I succeed a claims adjuster? ›

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Independent Adjusters
  1. Habit #1: Communication. ...
  2. Habit #2: Time Management. ...
  3. Habit #3: Computer Proficiency. ...
  4. Habit #4: Integrity. ...
  5. Habit #5: Insurance Policy Knowledge. ...
  6. Habit #6: Construction/Engineering Knowledge. ...
  7. Habit #7: Determination and Will to Succeed.
Mar 25, 2019

Can I pocket money from an insurance claim? ›

Can you keep any auto insurance money left over? As long as you own your car outright, you can do whatever you want with the claim money you receive from your insurer. This means that you can keep any leftover money from your claim.

What is amount a person pays before insurance company will pay any claims? ›

The amount you pay for covered health care services before your insurance plan starts to pay.

How is insurance money paid? ›

Policyholders may choose from several options for paying their insurance premiums. Some insurers allow the policyholder to pay the insurance premium in installments—monthly or semi-annually—while others may require an upfront payment in full before any coverage starts.

How do you ask for a higher settlement? ›

You Can Negotiate a Settlement. Here's How
  1. Hold Onto Everything. ...
  2. Open an Insurance Claim in a Timely Manner. ...
  3. Estimate the Value of Your Claim Carefully. ...
  4. Write an Effective Demand Letter. ...
  5. Reject the Insurer's First Offer. ...
  6. Highlight Facts that Benefit You. ...
  7. Remain Calm During Negotiations. ...
  8. Hire a Lawyer to Help.

Why are settlement offers so low? ›

When the insurance company thinks the victim is partially at fault or that he or she does not have a strong case, they may be more likely to make a lowball offer. The insurance company does not feel much pressure if they think you have a weak case.

What is the best way to negotiate a settlement? ›

The following guidelines can help you settle out of court and reach creative, mutually beneficial resolutions to your disputes, with or without lawyers at the table.
  1. Make sure the process is perceived to be fair. ...
  2. Identify interests and tradeoffs. ...
  3. Insist on decision analysis. ...
  4. Reduce discovery costs.
Apr 10, 2023

How do I avoid paying taxes on my settlement? ›

The first step in avoiding taxes on settlement money is to determine the type of settlement. If the settlement is for physical injury or sickness, it is generally tax-free. If the settlement is for emotional distress, it may be taxable unless it is related to physical injury or sickness.

Is money from an injury settlement taxable? ›

The good news is, personal injury settlements are not taxable on the federal level. This means the IRS will not take any portion of your funds. The federal government does not tax your settlement money since the funds received are intended to compensate you for losses that you endured.

Can you get compensation for lower back pain after a car accident? ›

You can recover compensation for back pain after a car accident by filing a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver. You may be eligible for some of the following types of compensation: Medical bills related to treatment you sought for back pain.

Why does my neck and back hurt after a car accident? ›

The majority of neck and back pain resulting from a car wreck is caused by the whipping motion that is caused by the force of impact. This whipping motion is commonly called whiplash. You can feel the effect of whiplash from the neck to the lower back, and the pain can vary from minor to severe.

How much money can you get from a back injury? ›

Depending on the severity of your injury and how your life is impacted, the average settlement for a back injury accident ranges from $10,000 to $100,000. Settlements can also be lower or higher than these averages, with some cases being resolved in the millions of dollars.

Do you pay taxes on pain and suffering? ›

These are non-economic damages that can be recovered in addition to your monetary or economic losses. The compensation you receive for your physical pain and suffering arising from your physical injuries is not considered to be taxable and does not need to be reported to the IRS or the State of California.

How long does an insurance company have to settle a claim in Georgia? ›

Insurance companies in Georgia have 40 days to settle a claim after it is filed. Georgia insurance companies also have specific time frames in which they must acknowledge the claim and then decide whether to accept it, before paying out the final settlement.

What is average accident settlement in NC? ›

The Average Car Accident Settlement in N.C. (and a Whole Bunch of Disclaimers) According to the limited data available, the average car accident settlement in North Carolina may be about $20,000.

How much can someone sue for a car accident in California? ›

California, along with many other states, does not place limits on the amount you can obtain in compensatory damages. The jury or court can decide upon an award that they feel is reasonable in your case.

How much can you get for pain and suffering from a car accident in California? ›

There is no damage cap for pain and suffering from vehicle accidents in California. The state, however, puts a $250,000 limit for pain and suffering claims from medical malpractice.

What is the average cost for a severe injury in a collision? ›

Over $230 billion is spent annually in the US on vehicle accidents. According to statistics from National Safety Council, the typical cost of an injury in a collision is as follows: $1.5 million for fatal injuries. $80 700 for non-fatal injuries.

How much should I ask for a settlement? ›

When making an initial settlement demand, the accident victim should always ask for more than what he or she thinks the case is worth. There is no set rule, but it is not unreasonable to to ask for at least three times the amount of the medical expenses.

How is pain and suffering calculated in North Carolina? ›

In North Carolina there is no fixed formula for placing a value on physical pain and mental suffering regardless of whether you are negotiating with an insurance adjuster or in a trial. At trial, a jury will be instructed to determine what is fair compensation by applying logic and common sense to the evidence.

What is considered a good settlement? ›

A good settlement offer should not only be able to cover your hospital bills and legal fees, but it should also be equivalent to close to a years' worth of your current wages, especially in cases where your injuries may be permanent or cause some kind of disability.

What is the average settlement for a rear end collision in California? ›

What is the average payout for rear-end collision in California? Unless there is a serious injury, the average settlement for a minor rear-end collision is $12,000 to $22,000. The average rear-end collision settlement resulting in serious injury is $60,000 to $25,000.

Can you sue a minor for a car accident California? ›

If a minor is injured in an accident and the case cannot be settled, the claim must go through a lawsuit and thus must be negotiated by a parent or guardian. Adult children can file a lawsuit against an at-fault party, but their case will have to be negotiated by an adult.

Do I need a lawyer for car accident in California? ›

Yes, you should hire an attorney, especially when you are not to blame for an accident. Under California law, a motorist who is not at fault for an accident could be entitled to receive compensation in a settlement or a lawsuit. This is what makes California a “fault” state when it comes to car accidents.

How do you calculate emotional pain and suffering? ›

The multiplier formula is the total cost of your medical bills multiplied by the multiplier, which sets the monetary amount that equates to your pain and suffering. For example, if your medical bills total $10,000 and your multiplier is 4, your pain and suffering damages would total $40,000.

Is there a limit to pain and suffering? ›

How much Can You Sue for Pain and Suffering? In general, there is no limit to the amount you can sue for these damages.

How much can you get for emotional distress in California? ›

Are There Limits to How Much I Can Receive for Emotional Distress? Some states have caps on how much financial recovery you can receive. In California, there are no damage caps for personal injury cases. Therefore, you're entitled to receive fair compensation for your case, no matter the amount.

What is considered a serious injury in a car accident? ›

The legal definition of a serious injury in a car accident can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the specific laws in place. However, in general, a serious injury is one that causes significant physical impairment or substantial pain and suffering.

What is best amount for bodily injury liability? ›

Financial experts recommend that you carry at least $100,000 in bodily injury liability coverage for one injured person and $300,000 to pay the expenses of multiple victims in an accident.

Who decides the dollar value of the damages of a crash? ›

When negotiating a claim, the at-fault party's insurance adjuster will determine the sum of all medical expenses resulting from the accident, which are known as medical special damages, or special damages.


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