Best 7 Dahlia Companion Plants (And 5 to Avoid!) (2024)

Best 7 Dahlia Companion Plants (And 5 to Avoid!) (1)

Steve Yoder

I'm Steve, a 30-something urban gardener fascinated by companion planting research. Growing up surrounded by greenery sparked my passion for gardening early on. I enjoy transforming my small backyard, experimenting with companion planting techniques and eco-friendly practices. Sustainability matters—I advocate for native plants and composting.

Table of Contents

Many gardeners adore dahlias for their striking, symmetrical blooms and vivid hues. However, did you know that there are a number of plants that go well with dahlias? The greatestdahlia companion plants1will be discussed in this post to assist you in designing a beautiful garden.

Best 7 Dahlia Companion Plants (And 5 to Avoid!) (2)

Best Dahlia Companion Plants

  • Salvia
  • Verbena bonariensis
  • Nicotiana
  • Zinnias
  • Cosmos
  • Lilies
  • Geraniums


Let us start the special list of the best dahlia companion plants. Grow dahlias next so your salvia plants. Salvias offer an interesting textural contrast to dahlias with their spiky petals and vivid hues. Additionally, they attract pollinators like bees and hummingbirds, which can enhance the health of your garden. What a great companionship this is!

Verbena bonariensis

Let us continue the best dahlia companion plants! Consider growing Verbena next to your dahlias if you want something more subdued. The delicate, purple flowers on this tall, airy shrub with slender stalks make a charming contrast to the dahlias’ large, globular blossoms. Additionally, it increases the height of your garden without displacing the other plants. With this information provided we are 100% sure that verbena is a great member of dahlia companion plants.


If you want a plant with an aroma, Nicotiana is a fantastic option. These plants produce colorful trumpet-shaped flowers that have a sweet aroma and can be a great addition to an evening garden. They also emit their scent at night. Additionally, the nicotiana’s thin stems and delicate blossoms make a lovely contrast to the striking dahlias. This proves that nicotiana is another member of great dahlia companion plants!


Best 7 Dahlia Companion Plants (And 5 to Avoid!) (4)

The next member in the list of the best dahlia companion plants is a wonderful flower! Dahlias are traditionally paired with zinnias. These bright, daisy-like blooms come in a variety of hues and heights, and they go nicely with symmetrical, round dahlias. Additionally, zinnias are simple to raise from seed and can liven up any garden.

If you want to learn more about zinnia and it’s companion plants, check the article below:

9 Best Zinnia Companion Plants (+What to Consider)


Planting cosmos next to your dahlias will add an organic touch. These plants have daisy-like foliage that is delicate and fluffy, as well as pink, white, and purple blooms. They’re simple to raise from seed and can give your dahlia garden a wild, untamed feel. That means cosmos is also a member of the best dahlia companion plants!

Best 7 Dahlia Companion Plants (And 5 to Avoid!) (6)


Lilies and dahlias make striking companions in the garden, showcasing their captivating blooms and creating a visually appealing display. With their complementary colors and synchronized blooming periods, they add vibrancy and beauty to any space. Both plants prefer similar sun and soil conditions, making it easier to provide them with the optimal growing environment. The tall and graceful presence of lilies serves as a backdrop to the bushier and compact dahlias. Together, they attract pollinators and create a harmonious combination that enhances the overall aesthetic of the garden.


Dahlias and geraniums create a visually stunning partnership in the garden, showcasing their vibrant blooms and adding a touch of elegance. These two plants complement each other with their contrasting forms and colors. Dahlias, known for their bold and showy flowers, pair beautifully with the delicate and lush foliage of geraniums. Their synchronized blooming periods and similar sun and soil preferences make them compatible companions.

The combination of dahlias’ eye-catching hues and geraniums’ charming blooms creates a visually appealing and harmonious display. Together, they attract pollinators and contribute to the overall beauty of the garden space. That was the last member of the best dahlia companion plants! Make sure to check out the bad companions in the next section.

What Not To Plant with Dahlia

While there are many plants that make great companions for dahlias, it’s important to be mindful of what not to plant with dahlias. Some plants can negatively affect the growth and health of dahlias, and are considered bad dahlias companion plants. Here are a few plants to avoid:

  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes
  • Fennel
  • Brassicas
  • Sunflowers
Best 7 Dahlia Companion Plants (And 5 to Avoid!) (8)


The first member of the bad dahlia companion plants is tomato. Since they are both susceptible to the same illnesses and pests, do not plant tomatoes and dahlias together. These are poor companion plants for dahlias because they can cause both plants to suffer damage in one fell swoop.

To still be able to plant both in your garden you need proper space between them. The best you can do is to check out the best companion plants for tomatoes too. In that case, you will make sure to place every plant in the right spot. Here is the article:

8 Helpful Tomato Companion Plants (+4 to Avoid)


Similar to dahlias, potatoes are a member of the nightshade family and are susceptible to the same pests and diseases. They may also fight with one another for the same nutrients, which could result in stunted growth and low harvests. So it’s recommended to stay away from planting potatoes close to dahlias.

Don’t worry we also have a solution for potatoes! Have a look at it:

8 Best Potato Companion Plants Helping your Crop Growing


Fennel may be a wonderful addition to your garden, but it contains toxins that may prevent dahlias and other nearby plants from growing. Fennel is therefore not a good plant to grow with dahlias.

Find fennel companion plants here:

7 Great Fennel Companion Plants for Your Garden (+4 not to Combine)


Avoid growing vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage close to dahlias. These plants are poor dahlia companion plants because they may be susceptible to the same pests and illnesses as dahlias and may compete with them for the same nutrients in the soil.

Companion plants for these Brassicas:

11 Good and Bad Broccoli Companion Plants

Cauliflower Companion Plants – 6 Good Ideas for You!


Let us end the list of bad dahlia companion plants with beautiful plants. Sunflowers may appear to be a perfect match for dahlias, but they pose issues. A substance made by sunflowers can stop the growth of surrounding plants, including dahlias. So it’s recommended to stay away from planting sunflowers close to dahlias.

Make sure to place your sunflower in the right place:

Best 13 Sunflower Companion Plants – Everyone’s Favourite

In conclusion, there are several plants that work well as dahlia companions. There is a companion plant to suit every taste, whether you prefer the striking contrast of salvias, the delicate touch of Verbena bonariensis, the sweet scent of Nicotiana, the traditional brightness of zinnias, or the naturalistic feel of cosmos. Enjoy the beauty of these magnificent blooms and their companion plants as you experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you.

  1. Flynn, K. M. (2020).The Companions. Gallery/Scout Press.


Best 7 Dahlia Companion Plants (And 5 to Avoid!) (2024)


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